Эссе по сериалу "Very British Problems" |
Номер | #56125 |
Тип | Эссе |
Бюджет | Не указан |
Категория | Английский язык |
Уникальность | Не указана |
Детали |
Написать эссе на английском языке по сериалу "Very British Problems". Не менее 5 страниц, 14 шриф, Times. В эссе нужно отразить суть сериала, изложить свои впечатления и ответить на вопросы. 1. What is Britishness / What makes up the sense of Britishness? 2. What are the most important aspects of being British? 3. Can you learn being British? 4. Watching the series, or/and doing the course, what surprised you most about the Brits? 5. Did you find anything similar to the aspects of Belarusness? 6. Can you suggest any Very Belarusian Problems? 7. Is Belarusness different to Britishness? What are the benefits of being Belarusian? 8. How has the course helped you understand your national identity? 9. What sense does it make to understand the national identity of the country which language you are studying? |
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